What We Support

2SLGBTQ+ Rights

Because we believe in the power of stories, Terrier Books will continue to sell books from the universe of Harry Potter, created by J.K. Rowling. 

We believe that when something is created, and then released into the world, it's not completely yours anymore. It has a life of its own. And it's especially true of those books.

But we will only sell them while following specific and strict rules:

  • Terrier Books will only carry second-hand or remainders Harry Potter book instore (new editions only available as special order)
  • 5% of the proceeds generated from the sell of any book related to the Harry Potter universe is going to be donate to a charity supporting Transgender Rights


Terrier Books is, and always will be, proud to support 2SLGBTQ+ communities 🏳️‍🌈

Non-profits organizations we donate to: Victoria Youth Clinic/Foundry, Egale, QMUNITY, Sher Vancouver. 


Transgender Ressources: 











Indigenous Causes

Truth and Reconciliation

In honor of the National Day for the Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th, also called Orange Shirt Day), we are giving 10% of the total of our September sales to the Victoria Native Friendship Centre (an initiative of them to encourage small businesses to take a pledge) every year since 2023. 



Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG2S+) 

Native Women's Association of Canada https://nwac.ca/
