Sell/Donate Your Used Books
We buy used books for STORE CREDIT only.
Donation are welcome following the same condition below.
- For store credit, we give between $1-$5 credit per book and can be used towards anything in the store (books, cards, prints etc.)
- Books need to be in excellent condition and are selected by the bookseller. Please check for dust, water damage BEFORE coming to the store.
- Since we're a small bookstore with a -very- small team, please only bring about 10 books maximum at a time (for larger collection please contact us by email or by phone at 250-885-2123)
IMPORTANT: Please note that we are not always able to issue credit right away (or on the same day). We will clearly label your books and issue you credit as soon as we can.
-> The selection is made at the discretion of the bookseller and depends on multiple factors (quality, if it's a popular title etc.)
However, we do not accept the following:
Library Books
Stained or Damaged books
Encyclopedia sets