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Terrier Books

The Art of Garden Photography - Ian Adams

The Art of Garden Photography - Ian Adams

Regular price $14.00 CAD
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Every gardener who seeks to capture the fleeting moments of perfection in plants and gardens must inevitably turn to photography. In this remarkably clear and informative book, celebrated photographer Ian Adams provides detailed instruction in every aspect of the art and craft of garden photography, from selecting the right equipment to starting a garden photography business. Chapters include such topics as:

Digital cameras

Film and filters

Sharpness and exposure

Abstracts and close-ups


Scouting and preparing the garden

The garden vista

Garden structures

Gardens through the seasons

Finding fine gardens

Making color prints

Filled with the author's first-hand experience and expert wisdom, The Art of Garden Photography is certain to be a treasured reference for gardeners and garden photographers.


200 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2005



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